His name is Yahweh and His son’s name is Yahshua Messiah


“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free…” – John 8:32

Why we are calling it the home of truth…

All the major religions in the world over revolve around that truth in one why or the other. They all borrow from the concept of one Almighty Creator and in fact the Bible forms the basis of the main religions. The story of Adam and Eve is the main pillar of them all. But somewhere along the way opinions change and even completely new regions have been formed on the premise of that core believe that One Almighty Creator Created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over all there is in the world after creating it.

So what is the real name of our Almighty Creator and why has He been renamed so many times?

If we all came from one Father why do we have different believes based on the same story?

Is the truth the original version from the Almighty Creator or is it the edited versions over time, civilizations and human thinking?

These are the questions we seek to give the most honest answers to and share with you the love of our Almighty Father who sent His Son to save a world that had gone astray for He so Loves Us all regardless of our color, location or traditions.

Our vision is just so ambitious it might sound unrealistic on the face value but a sincere deep reflection opens you to a realm of truth that can bring the whole world together in peace and fulfill the purpose of true worship of Our Almighty Creator because every human who embraces this truth lives life and lives it more abundantly…

We shall introduce you to the true name of Our Almighty Father that He gave to the first generation and He indeed insists that He remains the same Yesterday, Today and Forever and that is why we obey that and refer to Him by His real name. For whoever calls upon His name and that of His Only son shall dwell in His Kingdom…

His name is Yahweh and His son’s name is Yahshua Messiah.

We shall bring you to the true realization and the power of these names and reveal to you why these names have been completely erased and replaced with other names in different religions and religious groupings.

Our Assembly serves The Father of Love in our mission to open the eyes of the people, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the bondage of evil unto the Grace of Almighty Yahweh, that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them who are sanctified by faith in Yahshua Ha’Massiah.

“LET US REASON TOGETHER” and hold fast to that which is good! Enjoy your visit!